• Collabor8™®
  • Xbnet™
  • DMS™
  • DMP™
  • DMP2™

Our Vision

To be the best technology and supply chain solutions provider, enabling clients to exceed their expectations.

Our Mission

To deliver the highest value to our clients through unparalleled supply chain solutions based on our industry expertise coupled with our advanced, award-winning and proven technologies.

C8GROUP Solutions

Tailored Solutions

Integration. Visibility. Everyone is talking about these two words.

At C8GROUP, we do more than just talk! 

We've made sure integration and visibility are at the core of our tailored user friendly customer solutions. 

The C8GROUP provides a One-Stop-Shop solution for all of your total supply chain needs.  Our solutions are the keys to success in the new economy – success that's measurable, not just abstract aspiration.

Our solutions improve communication lines. Whether you are a forklift driver or a CFO, our solutions provide the information you need, when you need it, no matter where you are at any given time. 

Everyone is able to make more informed decisions.

The bottom line? Reduced operating costs, improved customer service and happy employees – measurable results, immeasurable satisfaction.

Talk about success!

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